RSP Illness Policy

It is our goal to provide your child with the safest and healthiest environment. Rising Star Preschool has taken positive steps towards this goal. Our Illness Policy, Includes hygiene and precaution practices which will help to reduce the spread of illness. Therefore, sick children will not be accepted at school, and we will strictly enforce these policies.

We believe that our hygiene and precaution procedures can make a difference in creating healthier environment, and as a result, our children, staff members and most importantly you will experience fewer absence days due to illness. We will be monitoring our progress toward the reduction of illness among children and staff. We need your help in this progress. Parents will be notified within 24 hour of any contagious illness reported to staff that may affect their child. Notifications may be verbal or posted in the center.

It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to do the following

  • * If your child is absent from the center for any reason, please call the center on your child’s first absence day.
  • * If your child is not feeling well, but is not ill enough to see a doctor, give us a description of your child’s symptoms (stomach ache, vomiting, fever, runny nose, diarrhea, etc.) when you call.
  • * If you have seen a doctor, please tell a teacher the physician’s diagnosis when you call. Please bring us a doctor’s note stating the diagnosis and have it state whether or not your child can return to the center and if not when they can return.
  • * Report the development of any contagious disease to the center.
  • * When your child returns to the center, please update us on their condition.

Children will be excluded from the center for the following reasons:

  • * Fever (a temperature at/over 100.0 degrees) - may return when fever has be gone for 24 hours
  • * Diarrhea - more than one loose, watery stool
  • * Vomiting - may return when vomiting has stopped for 24 hours
  • * Eye infection or “pink eye/eye cold” - may return after using drops for 24 hours
  • * Rashes - especially with fever or itching
  • * Sore throat - especially with a fever or swollen glands
  • * Chicken Pox - may return when after all sore have scabs (usually 5-7 days)
  • * Head lice may return when a staff member inspects head that all eggs have been removed
  • * Too sick to participate - unusually tire, pale, lack of appetite, confused or cranky

Any child with a contagious illness will need physician’s note stating that the child is no longer contagious and may return to the center. If your child develops any of these symptoms at school, the child will be isolated from the other children and the parent/guardian or emergency contact, if parent cannot be reached, will be called upon to pick up the child as soon as possible. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.

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