reach their
full potential.

Preschool & Childcare Center Serving Sacramento & San Diego, CA

Your Child’s Health Comes First!
Social-Emotional Focus And Curriculum Prepares Children For Kindergarten
Strict COVID-Safe Measures To Keep Us All Healthy
Cameras And More Keep Your Child Safe
Blended Curriculums Come Together To Build Strong Minds
We Blend 3 curriculums That Expand Hearts & Minds:
The Creative Curriculum®
The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that promotes exploration and discovery as a way of learning, enabling your child to develop confidence, creativity, and lifelong critical thinking skills.
The STEAM Curriculum
The STEAM curriculum uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics as access points for guiding inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. Your child learns to take thoughtful risks, engages in experiential learning, and can problem-solve.
The Kindness Curriculum
The Kindness Curriculum presents activities designed to build the attributes of empathy, gratitude, perspective, honesty, self-compassion, self-acceptance, humility, collaboration, mindfulness, meditation, trust, affiliation, and humor every day.
An Outdoor Science Center And Kitchen Mean Messy Play
Exploring, Learning, and Making New Furry Friends
Get Daily Updates With A Parent App
A Healthy Breakfast, Lunch, & Snack
We Have A Preschool Chef!
A Safer, Healthier Classroom with the ZONO Machine!
As Your Child’s First Teacher, You’re Part Of The Team
Early Interventions That Close Any Potential Learning Gaps
Baby Signing, Spanish, And Music Fill Their Days
Yes, We Offer Tuition Support Options
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