Rising Star Preschool Pesticide Notification

Dear Parents, The Healthy Schools Act of 2000 (as amended by Assembly Bill 2865, Chapter 865, and Status of 2006) requires that all schools and child day care centers provide parents or guardians of children who are enrolled at the facility with the annual written notification of expected pesticide use. The notification will identify the active ingredients in each pesticide product and will include the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Web site (http://www.schoolipm.info) for further information on pesticides and their alternatives. We will send out annual notifications.

The following pesticides will be used at Rising star Preschool:

  • Aluminum Phosphide, manufacturer: Pestcon Systems, Inc. EPA ref #: 72939-1-5857
  • Bifen L/P Insect Granules, manufacturer: Control Solutions, Inc. EPA ref #: 53883-124
  • Demand CS Dilution Rate: 0.0515 % in water, manufacturer: Syngenta, EPA ref # 100-1066
  • Maxforce FC (Roach bait), manufacturer: Bayer Environmental Science, EPA ref # 432-1259
  • Termidor SC diluted to 0.06% with water, manufacturer: BASF, EPA reg. no.: 7969-210
  • P.C.Q (Diphacinone), manufacturer: Bell Laboratories, Inc. EPA ref # 1245-50003AA

Intended application will be the fourth Saturday of each month.

Parents or Guardians are notified of pesticide applications monthly on the fourth Saturday each month and a reminder will be posted in the office lobby at least 72 hours before pesticides are applied.

Please sign below to acknowledge that you are aware of Rising star Preschools pesticide notification procedure.

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